For Christmas, Kristin gave me a 12-inch piece of Gaboon Ebony from Woodcraft. I cut off a two-inch piece so I had a little block of wood that looked like a cool, black building block. I tapered the sides just a bit and took a picture of it (above).

It was a little higher than the 21mm it was supposed to be, so I put it sideways in my vise and cut it down to the right size with a coping saw.

I took about 10 breaks on these first two cutting jobs because the wood is SO hard, it takes forever to cut through it!

Almost there . . .

Whew, that took way too long! Next, I used my woodcarving knives and files (another Christmas present) and filed a half-circle for the metal ferrule, hollowed out the front part of the frog to be a lopsided-circle shape (a "handmade-look" tip from my mentor), and then started filing the groove on top where the stick will rest.
What a fun name! You're such a great writer too. I love watching this process happen. I don't know how you figure out all these things. You must be like one of those old French guys!